About Kelly Family Law

Who we are


Kelly Family Law is a boutique law firm specialising in family law, including divorce and financial matters, child arrangements and advice for unmarried couples. We give expert legal advice and a uniquely personal service to our clients, who come from all walks of life.

The nature of our work means that many of our clients are going through an emotionally difficult time. We understand this and will be there to guide and advise you. We will always do our best to resolve your case as favourably as possible. We avoid confrontation and conflict where we can, but we fight hard for the best outcome for you when we need to.

For your convenience, we offer regular telephone/video call evening and weekend appointments, all at a lower rate than many of our competitors can match. We can do this because we operate as a virtual law firm, free of many of the costs and overheads that traditional law firms are burdened with. We use cutting-edge cloud technology and streamlined processes so that our lawyers can devote their time to looking after you, not paperwork.

We are fair, flexible and we go the extra mile for our clients.

How we started


During the first COVID lockdown in Spring 2020, Hannah Kelly was juggling working as a solicitor and looking after her two young children at home, meaning that client meetings were happening at non-traditional hours, to fit around childcare.

Hannah started to see a unique opportunity to launch a virtual firm that would put clients’ needs first and truly fit in with their schedules, using the most up to date technology available, but with a commitment to being fair and ethical. KFL is the result.


Why we’re different


Kelly Family Law is not like traditional law firms. We understand that our clients lead busy lives and sometimes need the flexibility to speak with their lawyer outside normal office hours. We want to be there when you need us.

That’s why we offer regular evening and weekend appointment slots, at the same price as ‘office hour’ appointments. We offer telephone or video meetings as standard, at a lower hourly rate than many of our competitors can offer. We can do this because we operate virtually.

This means that we don’t have the same overheads that traditional law firms have, and that our software and systems are cutting-edge and designed to let us work more efficiently so we can focus on you and deliver results quicker. Our solicitors are experts in family law so you get the highest quality advice, at a time that suits you, for less.


How we work


Our solicitors don’t work a fixed ‘9 to 5’, Monday to Friday, we work flexibly so you may find our solicitors are working on your case and sending you emails early in the morning, late at night or on weekends. This is how we work, so please don’t feel you have to reply immediately. But don’t be afraid to email us at any time of the day or night, any day of the year. We will always respond as soon as we can.

Our standard appointments can be by phone or video call, however we understand that some of our clients prefer to meet face-to-face (and we usually prefer the initial consultation to be in person, where practical) so we can arrange meeting rooms on request. Additional fees may apply in some cases – please ask for details.

We use the latest cloud software and are fully GDPR compliant. We use secure client portals to share private documents with you, all backed up by the latest security to ensure your data stays protected.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without your knowledge and expertise and I always recommend you”

— Tessa, NHS worker, Surrey